Friday, May 28, 2010

Propaganda in America

I'm going to show you the propaganda machines of the Woodrow Wilson and FDR administrations and, more importantly, I'm going to show you the similar machine being built today, with Cass Sunstein leading the charge.

They've all used faith, charity and hope — I'm switching the order to show you historically how they've been used.

Wilson used faith: He introduced the concept of social justice. He knew he couldn't sway the public so he had to find another way.

FDR used charity: Everyone has a right to a job and a house.
Hope — well, we all know that to be the centerpiece of Barack Obama; hope in big government, not God.

So let me go back to what we said Wednesday about World War I: Wilson won reelection on keeping America out of war. A month after he was sworn in, we went to war. So Wilson had to convince and change the minds of people. So he needed propaganda.

Look at this historically, then tie it to today:
63 percent want to repeal the health care law. When it passed, 70 percent were against it, but the government pushed it through anyway

56 percent of people oppose paying more for clean energy

64 percent of Americans support the Arizona Immigration law. Yet Eric Holder is getting ready to fight it in court

They're becoming more and more brazen each and every day. We showed you the financial reform bill getting crammed through Congress right now. This bill is nothing short of an assault on personal freedom. Again, we don't have the final bill yet, the House and Senate passed their versions of the bill and now they molding the final version.

So there's time to change some of this, but looking at the Senate version:
Financial regulators can order the seizure of any financial firm they deem "in danger of default"

The Financial Stability Oversight Council will be created and identify non-bank financial companies that "may pose risks to the financial stability of the United States in the event of their material financial distress or failure"

The Bureau of Consumer Financial Protection will be created — for you. They'll be able to limit what financial products and services can be offered to consumers. And the bill mandates any financial institution that takes deposits, keep a record of the number and amount of those deposits and that customer addresses be "geo-coded for the collection of data regarding the census tracts of the residences or business locations of customers." Geo-coded? Are they linking deposits to the Census Bureau?

They claim to be protecting you from "unfair and deceptive" practices. Unfair and deceptive are two words that are defined and often used in our laws, but there is another word they put in the bill: "abusive." What does that even mean? No one really knows because it has not been used in this context before. Will its definition be up to the new super regulator who will be in charge of the agency? What is abusive? What if someone defaults on their loan or their house is foreclosed upon and they say "the interest rate is too high" or "I did not understand adjustable rate would adjust up" or "I am old, you should've explained it to me."

Will the regulator decide the lender was abusive? It puts the pressure on the lender to not only offer full disclosure, but take full responsibility. Don't worry if you can't pay your loan, blame on the abusive greedy bank.

Americans don't want a fundamental transformation. Radical progressives do, but that's about it. And the administration knows it. So they have to change public opinion. And if you think that's a crazy concept, you don't know Cass Sunstein.

How do you do change public perception?

Woodrow Wilson faced a similar dilemma: He had to change the minds of the people about World War I. He created the Committee on Public Information, using handpicked propaganda gurus George Creel along with Edward Bernays and the now-revered (but spookiest person ever) Walter Lippman.

Bernays was great — the Nazis' top propagandist, Joseph Goebbels, kept copies of Bernays writings in his own personal library. Creel sought to make "associates" out of the media and went on a mission to get all Americans to conform to the pro-war viewpoint.

Bernays in fact said, "It was, of course, the astounding success of propaganda during the war that opened the eyes of the intelligent few in all departments of life to the possibilities of regimenting the public mind. It was only natural, after the war ended, that intelligent persons should ask themselves whether it was not possible to apply a similar technique to the problems of peace."

Wilson set the table by passing the Espionage Act in 1917 and the Sedition Act in 1918. Those laws empowered government to suppress and punish "disloyalty and subversion" and ban all "seditious" materials from the mail. Seditious materials included anything that might "impugn the motives of the government."
Hiram Johnson, progressive senator from California, said of the law: "You shall not criticize anything or anybody in the government any longer or you shall go to jail."

Once everything was set in motion, here's what happened:

The Justice Department prepared lists of aliens considered dangerous and attempted to register all male and female German aliens. By the end of the war, the U.S. government had arrested more than 4,000 aliens on charges ranging from espionage to making pro-German statements in public. Prison barracks were established at military bases around the country

The California Board of Education, for example, banned the teaching of German in the public schools, calling it "a language that disseminates the ideals of autocracy, brutality and hatred." The states of Iowa and Nebraska banned instruction of any foreign language in the schools

In Cincinnati, the public library was asked to withdraw all German books from its shelves

The Red Cross barred people with German names from working with the organization

German names were scrubbed from buildings and streets; Schmidt became Smith; Muller became Miller

In Minnesota, a minister was tarred and feathered because he was overheard praying with a dying woman in German. In southern Illinois, a man was lynched in 1918 for no apparent reason except he happened to be of German descent; the organizers of the lynch mob were acquitted by a jury which insisted that what they had done was a patriotic act

In 1917, private volunteers (with the open endorsement of the attorney general of the United States) formed the American Protective League (APL). Attorney General Thomas Gregory called the APL: "A patriotic organization… assisting the heavily overworked federal authorities in keeping an eye on disloyal individuals and making reports on disloyal utterances."

By the end of the war, the organization had 250,000 members who defined their mission as spying on their neighbors, eavesdropping on suspicious conversations, intercepting and opening mail and telegrams of people suspected of disloyalty and reporting to the authorities any evidence of disenchantment with the war effort. Other, similar groups included the National Security League, the American Defense Society and the Boy Spies of America (modeled after the Boy Scouts).

Yes, this happened in America less than a century ago, under one of academia's most beloved presidents — Woodrow Wilson.


Wednesday, May 26, 2010

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Nazis in Arizona?

Allusions to Hitler and the Nazis are incessantly and recklessly employed concerning the Arizona immigration law SB1070. The name-callers merely prove, yet again, how a disregard for history leads to hysteria but not to any real solutions to a genuine security problem.

The Nuremberg laws and other anti-Jewish measures instituted by the Nazis included the following. These "laws" were used against German citizens of Jewish origin.

* Prohibition of mixed marriages and extramarital relations between Jews and Aryans, 1935
* Jews were required to pay special income tax in lieu of special donations to the Nazi Party, 1940
* Jews were not permitted to institute civil suits, 1942
* All Jews were required to carry identification cards with a red capital "J," 1935
* Synagogues were systematically destroyed through the entire Reich, 1938
* Jews were segregated in public places and living areas, 1938
* All Jews were expelled from German schools, 1935

The Arizona law attempts to enact federal law to stop illegal immigrants from entering unlawfully. The salient features of the law include:

* It is unlawful for a person to intentionally engage in the smuggling of human beings for profit or commercial purpose.

* "Unauthorized alien" means an alien who does not have the legal right or authorization under federal law to work in the United States.

* An employer shall not knowingly employ an unauthorized alien. If, in the case when an employer uses a contract, subcontract or other independent contractor agreement to obtain the labor of an alien in this state, the employer knowingly contracts with an unauthorized alien or with a person who employs or contracts with an unauthorized alien to perform the labor, the employer violates this subsection.

* An alien's immigration status or work authorization status shall be verified with the federal government pursuant to United States Code section 1373(c).

If Mr. Eric Holder, Attorney General, would finally read SB1070 and, more importantly, the amendments to the law, he would know that most of it refers to the hiring of illegal immigrants by employers who are being held to task for the hiring.

Furthermore, SB1070 seeks to uphold federal law! Thus,

* The terms of [SB1070] regarding immigration shall be construed to have the meanings given to them under federal immigration law.

* This act shall be implemented in a manner consistent with federal aws regulating immigration, protecting the civil rights of all persons and respecting the privileges and immunities of United States citizens.

Most important to all who are concerned with a fair and consistent use of the law is the following:

* A law enforcement official or agency of this state or a county, city, town or other political subdivision of this state may not consider race, color or national origin in implementing the requirements of this subsection....A person is presumed to not be an alien who is unlawfully present in the United States or Arizona if the person provides to the law enforcement officer or agency any of the following:
o A valid Arizona driver license
o A valid Arizona nonoperating identification license
o A valid tribal enrollment card or other form of tribal identification
o If the entity requires proof of legal presence in the United States before issuance, any valid United States federal, state or local government issued identification.

This is hardly reminiscent of the heinous Nazi regulations and Hitler's desire to literally eliminate undesirables. On April 30, 2010, Governor Jan Brewer, unlike President Obama, did consider the legitimate comments of people and stated that she was "proud that the Arizona Legislature [had] listened carefully to everyone's concerns, and in a gesture of statesmanship, acted swiftly and appropriately to lay to rest questions over the possibility of racial profiling. Arizona is acting responsibly to address a border security crisis that is not of our making. The federal government's failure requires us to act to protect our citizens, and we are doing just that."

When people carelessly bandy about the terms "Nazis" and "genocide," they debase the memory of those who suffered and died at the hands of dastardly monsters. When the President of the United States can do nothing more than arrogantly denigrate Americans who are trying to come up with a workable solution to a serious situation in their state, then history is truly being subverted.

If someone cannot tell the difference between SB1070 and what happened under Hitler's reign, then perhaps that individual cannot tell what is truly happening under Obama's regime -- the falsification of the facts and the pitting of Americans against each other. Obama does not desire to rectify a security problem. This is part of his overall divide-and-conquer approach. Thus, people's attention is diverted from the devious and dangerous things that this White House is pushing through that smack of actual tyranny -- e.g., soaring taxes, unsustainable deficits, ignoring the depth of terrorist activity, and a president who ingratiates himself with dictators.

Instead of offering viable solutions to a serious situation in Arizona, Obama uses a standard bait-and-switch technique -- the mark of a person not intent on delivering anything substantive or helpful.

Active in the 1970s writing campaign to free Russian Jewish refuseniks, Eileen continues to speak out against tyranny. She can be reached at


Posted by: BondSteel
May 26, 01:32 AM
Sadly, the closest thing we have to "Nazis" is the Liberal Socialist Obama Regime! No, Obama is not rounding up Jews (yet). Nor is he expelling them from schools (yet). He may never do so. However, he certainly is disgusted with Jews overall and most definitely holds Israel in deep disregard. However, it's clear, if you look beyond the normal stereotypes of Nazi Germany, and look at the politics behind the National Socialists, and you will find striking similarities between Hitler and Obama.

THE BIG LIE is one of Obama's allies, as it was Hitler's. This Arizona Immigration law would be unnecessary under normal circumstances. But the Obama Regime, is not a normal American government! It's a Liberal Socialist government and it's tearing our nation apart!

Obama is sending 1200 National Guardsment to the border. Big deal over nothing. He's not sending them there to secure the border. He's only sending them in efforts to calm some of the uproar of our undefended border with Mexico where death and misery is an everyday reality. He's not sending armed infantry and cavalry to the border to seal it off from smugglers and thieves and TERRORISTS. He's sending our National Guard soldiers to man the Xerox machines and do make-work such as inventory of office supplies, vehicle maintenance and other routine tasks that could easily be contracted out. But, it looks good in the partisan press and media. In assigning the Guard "administrative" duties, Obama keeps the Huffington Post, and Chris Matthews off of his behind! Rachel Madcow will no doubt be incensed, by calling out the Guard, as she always is, but at least they won't really be "guarding" anything.

Monday, May 24, 2010

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